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The rapid growth of technology has contributed to bringing futuristic items and lifestyles faster than ever. However, there is a massive gap between those who are ready to embrace the change and those who are not. In addition, technology meant to help humans has been misused by those to complicate and perpetuate conflicts. This is happening, among others, through cybercrimes, hate speeches, hoaxes, and discrimination on digital platforms.


As the outcome of the previous Conference was a Youth Declaration, this year’s workshop will take one step further and strategize ICT as an instrument of peace by producing a module related to youth, peace, and technology. An initial draft of the module will be used at the Youth-Tech Workshop. In developing this module, the project team will also involve experts from the ASEAN Member States to give feedback to the Draft Module.

The module will later be revised according to inputs received during the workshop and then further finalized as a Module on Youth and Technology. The upcoming Module on Youth and Technology may be used in future regional youth projects as a guideline to conduct creative projects in technology, particularly the use of ICT to create a positive narrative of peace. Therefore, the outcome of this workshop can also reach many young people in the region. In other words, this module will be used as training material for young people to promote peace. ASEAN-IPR would have the copyright for the module.


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