Membership Types in AYO

We have 3 types of Memberships in the ASEAN Youth Organization.

  1. Volunteer Membership. This is a FREE membership. You can simply register on our platform and you will receive updates from our organization about our events and activities.
  2. APRO Membership. To become an APRO Member, you have to pay a membership fee 20USD per year. We provide special program waiver for any paid event in ASEAN Youth Organization. You will also received more benefits for being an APRO Member. This memberships will be available on October 2023.
  3. Activator Membership. Activator Membership is the committee member of ASEAN Youth Organization. You can be an Activator after you passed the recruitment process. You may find more information here. Every Activator Member have to pay ACF (Activator Contribution Fund) with an amount of 10USD in the beginning of the term. There will be some assignments and tasks/responsibilities for each Activator.

If you have any questions about our memberships, please send us an email to